Ag Comm Gambling
Charitable gaming may only be conducted by a nonprofit corporation that has a State Gaming License issued by the Office of Attorney General OR by an organization or group of people who have received a Local Permit from a city or county.
Non-Profit Corporation Application for State Gaming License
Complete the State Gaming License Application Form (SFN 53839). You will need to include:

.March 26, 2020 - please review the message from Attorney General Wayne Stenehjem regarding the quarterly gaming tax filing. A charitable gaming organization that has a state gaming license must file a North Dakota gaming tax return for each quarter the organization is licensed, even if there was no gaming activity during the quarter. Wagering: 1-888-847-0608 Customer Service: 1-888-847-0609 Wagering: 1-888-986-7373 Customer Service: 1-888-982-7373. This licence entitles you to provide facilities for the playing of casino games and/or participation in other virtual gaming by remote communication (for example roulette, blackjack, poker, reel games). Find out more about licences for remote gambling. Ag comm is a payment method that legit and authorised only gambling and betting sites use to process money. If your seeing this on your statement someone is using your bank card on a betting site or your partner has a gambling issue that's he's/she is not been honest about it posted.
- A copy of the non-profit charter, articles of incorporation, corporate certificate, by-laws, and minutes of meetings for the past two years;
- For each location where gaming will be conducted, a Site Authorization (SFN 17996) approved by the local governing body;
- For each location that is not owned by the nonprofit corporation, the site owner and the organization must complete and sign a Rental Agreement (SFN 9413), a copy of which must be included with the license application;
- License fee of $150 per jurisdiction where gaming will be conducted - payable to 'Office of Attorney General;'
- The Gaming Manager must submit a Request for Record Check (SFN 50424); and
- The gaming division does not conduct out of state record checks. Contact information for other states is provided for convenience. It is the responsibility of the submitting entity/manager to ensure timely completion all required records checks.
- The organization must complete and submit Gaming Organization Email Contact (SFN 54481).
License Renewal
A state gaming license must be renewed before June 30 each year. Submit:
- State Gaming License Reapplication Form (SFN 53838);
- Site Authorization (SFN 17996) approved by the local governing body for each location where gaming will be conducted;
- For each location where gaming will be conducted that is not owned by the nonprofit corporation, a Rental Agreement (SFN 9413);
- A Current Gaming Employee List (SFN 54270); and
- A license fee of $150 per jurisdiction where gaming will be conducted - payable to 'Office of Attorney General.'
Adding Gaming Sites during the License Year

To add a gaming site during the year the organization must complete and submit:
- Site Authorization (SFN 17996); and
- Rental Agreement (SFN 9413).
If the site will be the first site located in the city or (if outside city limits) county location, a license fee of $150.00 must accompany the forms when submitted to this office.
Local or Restricted Event Permits
An organization or group of people who want to hold a gaming fundraiser (such as a raffle or poker event) need to apply to the city or county for a Local or Restricted Event Permit. The following state forms must be used by city or county officials issuing the local permit:

Ag Comm Gambling Winnings
- When a restricted event permit is issued, a Report on a Restricted Event Permit (SFN 52880) must be filed with the Office of Attorney General within 30 days of the event.